INDL-4044 Product Design Studio 3
Course Description
In this course students will develop design solutions utilizing analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills. Essential documentation techniques will also be introduced and developed. Students will create a written, verbal, and visual presentation to concisely and convincingly present a product design concept derived from insights developed though research.
Learning Outcomes
Students completing this course will be able to:
• Employ basic analytical design research methodologies
• Manipulate three-dimensional form to communicate a desired message
• Select appropriate materials and manufacturing processes
• Synthesize design development into a clear presentation
• Produce a professional quality 3-D model
Studio Projects
The theme for projects this term was personal protective equipment (PPEs). My experience working for safety equipment manufacturer, Bullard, made me uniquely qualified to provide effective feedback to students designing products that often face a bevy of industry and government regulations. This is the last studio prior to the capstone semester, so expectations are set high and students are given a greater degree of freedom to demonstrate their ability to self-start, maintain their motivation and follow through with just enough instructor guidance to keep things on track.
Project Proposals
Students begin the term by developing and submitting an outline of their project, including these elements:
- Personal Statement: Why are you interested in this subject?
- Problem Statement: What is the goal of this project?
- Research Plan: How will you collect enough information to make informed decisions?
- Deliverables: What will be needed to effectively communicate your solution?
- Target Audience: Who will benefit from your solution?
- Uses: Where and how will you use it?
- Features/Benefits: How will your product be unique?
- Materials: What will it be made from?
- Distribution: Where will it be sold?
- Competition: Who are you competing with?
Initial Research Presentations
Concept Presentations
Students continued to develop their understanding of their selected problem, and presented concept development for review and feedback during the fourth week of the term.
Week Nine Presentations (final presentation previews)
In an effort to help students develop optimal presentations, we had a group of reviewers come in five weeks before the end of the term to conduct an initial review of the student’s progress. This helped to focus student efforts, and acclimate reviewers to the projects and ongoing efforts taking place during the term.
Final Presentations
Nick Dean’s “Breezing Duo” Redesign:
Emily Ziegelmeyer & Andrew Yim’s Cello Stand Design for May We Help:
Lauren Sebastian’s “Nike Rover” Shoes for Mars:
Jon Riehle’s Skydiving Shoes: