INDL-2010 Industrial Design Studio 2
This course is the “Synthesis Space” in the curriculum at UC. Each term the studio class is where the students take the subject matter learned in all their other courses, and apply it to a variety of projects designed to help reinforce the lessons, and hone essential skills that will be needed as they transition from students to professional practitioners.
This level studio is the last before students begin their first co-op term, and is therefore essential in providing not only skill development but also portfolio refinement.
Powertool Project
The purpose of this project is to introduce students to key concepts of industrial design, including aesthetic exploration, usability, materials and manufacturing processes, CAD modeling, model making and prototyping, and much more. The finished projects often become the crux of student portfolios, which are sent out all over the country and around the world to attain their first co-op employment experience.
Hank Beyer’s Philips Razor:
Dominic DiCarlo’s Gillette Toothbrush:
Kyle Greathouse’s Dyson Nail Gun:
Ian Taylor’s Stihl Weedwacker:
Jamie Maier’s Vitamix Personal Blender: